Friday, February 26, 2010

Coming to Canada: Bargnani Style

So the Samsquanch has been a little sick lately and has been coughing up hairballs. Well I have been coughing up stuff but a lot grosser. Anyways, since I missed the postgame for the Blazers. And really, I think we can all agree that I didn't miss much. I wanted to link you guys with this old Bargs vid. It's quite the contrast to the bargs we know. He's getting more and more expressive and emotional during Raptors games but in Italy where he is presumably  more comfortable, there's no comparison. Also it's funny to see him in the Volvo station wagon. I can't understand a lick of Italian but it's not hard to figure out what is going on. If some of you Italian friends out there could translate a little that would be good. It kind of makes you wonder how big an obstacle language and the comfort of your surroundings could play a part in a foreign athlete's progression. The fact that he has made such progress is encouraging. You can also note that when he's interviewed, there isn't that weird awkwardness.

This video is just one i came across on youtube. Not mine.

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