In-arena crud:
Since I was there, I can mention some of the things you wouldn't normally see in a televised viewing. Vickie Guererro was at it again, giving out prizes. I wonder if she ever gets bored of showing the same video of the BMO cards going around so a fan can pick the right card. I sure as heck am bored of her. The worst in-game advertisement shown on the big screen, usually during halftime, is the Cambria commercial. Cambria is a bar in the Air Canada Centre. Or at least, that's what I gathered from the commercial. The commercial shows some old musician who I don't care about, and then goes to shots of the bar furniture, the stools, the bathroom sink for some reason, and the bench etc. I am not sure if I should go there to get a beer, or if I should run out and buy some bar stools, or get a new bathroom sink installed. Just bizarre.
The Raptor drove around in his Ford go-cart which for one of the few times I have seen it, didn't actually break down. It's true, I've seen the thing stop working like 3 times and the Raptor would have to wave someone over to help him push it off the court. Typical crap. Much like the way the Raptors basketball team performed today, and has been performing like a lot lately.
The Good Guys:
Bosh was back, Turk was out. As of this time I do not know why he was absent. I guess it was probably due to the ankle but whatever. The Raptors lacked that 6th gear to shift to, heck they lacked the 5th gear and only showed their 4th gear a bit in the fourth after a Jose 3 pointer and an Antoine 3. Bosh scored 12, Bargs with 11. You can't win like this. It's not possible. Jarrett had a good game with 20 points 9 assists, and 4 steals. Off the bench Belli was had a rare decent game chipping in with 11. That's usually not very good news from an overall standpoint. If I had to describe what I saw, I would say that it was a flurry of turnovers by the Raptors, a lot of offensive boards given up and their second chance points as a result, and a lot of bricks on the other end of the floor where the Raps found themselves wide open and still either lose the ball or lay a big stinky egg. It's like the old sports cliche, they didn't get beaten by the 76ers, they did a good job of beating themselves. At no point did I think that Philly was overpowering the Raps in anyway. The Raps just continued to screw the pooch. Eventually, when you keep doing that to yourself, the other team is going to pull away and that's exactly what happened. I really was like they had their nards removed lately. They just had to fight, no backbone, no willpower, nothing.
The Bad Guys:
They mostly held Elton "No Name" Brand in check with a series of fouls. Thaddeus Young went off on us and was "That Guy" from the other team that the Raps like to allow to have a career night. Just ask Kobe about the topic. AI was in attendance for this game and did a lot of damage with a hand in his face, and also wide open sometimes. He wasn't much of a factor the last time they played the Sixers.
I usually like to get into specifics about the way certain players performed during a game. This game I will spare myself, and yourselves the headache of trying to dig through a pile of dung to find the nuggets. Let's just agree that every has their nads removed except Double J.
The Rant:
What really bothered me, and I mean I got pissed off when this happened, was when the Raptors crowd started chanting PIZZA PIZZA when the team got to 99 points. Your team just embarrassed themselves in front of their home crowd against a shitty opponent. What kind of jackass fans are you to cheer for the garbage pizza you get for free? Get out of the arena, get out of my city, don't come back, don't call yourselves Raptors fans, don't call yourselves sports fans. Just get out, go watch Yo Gabba Gabba, or Hanna Montana, or whatever it is that idiots watch. You're the type of people that go to play day when you were children and are overjoyed to get the participant ribbons. Mind you they are nice ribbons, but when their isn't an ounce of competitiveness in your blood what good are you?
Pizza episode was even more embarrassing than the way Raptors "played" yesterday. I felt like throwing up.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of clowns. The Raptors and the fans. Uh yeah, who cares if we win but lets get the free crappy pizza that I wouldn't feed to my dog.
ReplyDeleteGlad you agree. I am really puzzled at why ppl continue to get excited about it. If they want free crappy food so bad, they can come to my place and I can smear some expired pizza sauced on a popsicle stick for them.